<![CDATA[MARANATHA DENTAL - Updates]]>Tue, 14 May 2024 22:08:34 -0400Weebly<![CDATA[How have we adapted to the pandemic?]]>Sun, 10 Jan 2021 23:29:57 GMThttp://4040finchdentistry.com/updates/how-have-we-managed-the-pandemicPicture


​        We understand the difficulties this pandemic has posed for patients to seek out dental care.  Although our daily lives have been altered, our commitment to your health and safety has not.  In response, we have renovated our clinic to better serve and protect our community. 

​​Some of our upgrades included:

-Medical-grade HEPA Air Purifiers installed in every Dental treatment room
-Tempered glass barriers installed at Reception and in between all Dental operatories
-Fit-tested N95's masks, splash-resistant gowns, face-shields, and scrub caps for all health care providers

        In addition to our readily accessible hand sanitizers, our existing and new patients can expect the following when planning your next visit:

-Active health screening checklist before and after arrival
-Mandatory masks/face coverings while in the office
-Wellness checklist and consent form 
-Social Distancing in waiting room
-Infra-red (non-contact) temperature check
-Solo patient entry into clinical areas (unless patient requires special assistance/translation)
-We may ask you to wait outside or in your car until we are ready to seat you 
-Please arrive at your scheduled time-slot, not earlier, in order to accommodate proper social distancing 

        Although we may look different at your next visit, you will receive the same level of service and care you expect from the Finch Family.  Keep well, stay safe, and we look forward to seeing you soon!

Every treatment room is equipped with medical-grade HEPA filtration units.
Dr. Brian in full PPEs.